We got there rather too late and all the best vantage points had been taken. Barry went and got himself and Laurie a beer and we sat on the grass, on my new raggedy edge quilt and people watched. I took some sneaky photos of people but liked this little darling the best. She had great fun crawling around and exploring. Can you imagine what it must be like to be experiencing grass for the first time, dry crispy tickly grass? I love watching babies as they learn their way through life...amazing stuff!
I still haven't finished the cash cotton cardigan, I sort of started on the spiderman blanket and got carried away. I couldn't find any aran weight in the right colours so I am using double knitting which is taking a wee bit longer to get it to size. I am really quite enjoying making it but those bright colours are a bit erm.....scary! We found the yarn in John Lewis in Peterborough, at first the assistant was not at all helpful, I found the red in one yarn but no blue, then the assistant went and found me the blue when she could see i was rather displeased with her 'that's all we have and we don't have a shade card to look at the colours' attitude. Then we went to the sewing department and asked about bobbins and shirring and things and the girls there were so different. So chatty, in fact I would really have liked one of them to be my friend, but she was a bit of a goer and went out in the evening a lot in her 60's clothes that she made for herself. Don't get me wrong, I like to go out but not all the time...I think my headaches are inhibiting me as well, alcohol and me don't mix lately!
Laurie and I have just got back form the market in St Ives, he wants me to make him some casual, drawstring trousers like my linen pants I love to wear and I am delighted that he wants me to make him some. He actually asked if I could make him 'some like them that I can make fall down on me bum' .... I know what he means though, you know those trousers they wear that look like they are about to fall off? I think perhaps he needs some new underpants if he's going to be showing them off to the world! Laurie is about 6'4" tall and has very long legs! He chose some floppy black/mustard denim type fabric and some camoflage fabric. It was good that we actually found some that he liked on the market, I though it was going to cost me a fortune in a department store, where it would probably have been cheaper to buy him some ready made. I also saw the right colours for the spiderman blanket on the market, at a very good price, but I needed the yarn on Saturday not today...perhaps next time....!

I'm sorry you are having those headaches- try lying down with an ice bag under the back of your neck for 20 minutes, then switch to your forehead. Ice helps mine sometimes.
Cute child. Looks like he could be a bit mischevious.
hope your week goes good and you get to feeling better
Sounds like you are having so much fun and the picture of Laurie is wonderful, he certainly looks pleased with his catch!
Sorry to hear about your headaches, I know how horrible it is to not feel right :o( {{HUGS}} The baby looks so cute! I'm afraid my memory is terrible so there is no way I can remember the first time I touched grass! Now you have mentioned it though it's so strange to think we all went through that, we did all those 'firsts' too...amazing really!
Looking forward to this Saturday so much!! {{HUGS}} xx
What a lovely post; Laurie looks very proud of himself.
I had those daily tensions headaches myself once years ago every day for 6 weeks before I FINALLY saw the doctor. What an idiot!! Hope yours go away as abruptly as mine did.
Nice to "meet" Laurie. Great fish!
I love watching the babies, too. Perhaps we need to meditate on their single-minded, go-with-the-flow approach to the grass...ohmmm.
Damn headaches. So sorry you are suffering. The cure will be the postman! XOXOXO
Well, yes, I AM quite familiar with that sort of weather..having a day of it right now! (my kingdom for some breezes!)
Love watching the little ones also, she is a beauty, look at those cheeks!
I'm so glad you stayed headache free and could relax and enjoy.
My, my, your son Laurie is a handsome man..
HI Laurie!
Hope the headaches move on down the road now...xox
Hope you're feeling better, the weather can't have helped at all. I just felt HOT, I went out in the morning but was glad to stay at home for the afternoon not doing very much.
How funny you wanted to have the John Lewis assistant as a friend! I sometimes meet people that I think I'd like as a friend. Wouldn't if be great if we made friends as easily as children?! My Children used to make friends on the beach for the day!
Sorry about your headaches, is it down to the change?says the naive 30 something who doesn't really have to worry about these things yet, Sounds like you've been having fun anyway, with Laurie, and 'what a catch'!
I hope you feel better now. Lovely post! I've tagged you also if you would like to join in.
Headaches suck! I hope yours gets better soon.
Love that picture of the chubby little baby :)
I KNOW that the headaches will go soon!!!!
Babies are fun to watch, such little time wasters :)
I need a biggish copy of that photo of Millie - It will go with the black and white one of Maddie we have.
Love you - See you in August!
Sorry to hear about your headaches - hope they've gone, this weather does not help at all! Looks like you've been having fun. I love watching babies take their first steps everything is such a huge new experience for them.
Kim x
Hi marianne
I hate taking pills for a headache but found a cure in 'tiger balm' My son bought some back from a trip to Thailand and I find it works really well if placed on the temples Mary
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