This evening, we are going out for a meal with Mum, my brother, his wife and their daughter. Should be a good evening. The restaurant knows Matt, he has made them a website. Part of the reason for going is so that Matt can take some photos of some food prepared at the restaurant to put on the website.
Tomorrow, we are all going up to Matt's place and he is going to cook us a steak on his barbecue, so we are being spoilt rotten, Barry is going to make some of James Martin's marshmallows I think, well, he bought a sugar thermometer yesterday so I guess that is his intention...
It's great to get away from the madness of the wedding preparations and recharge the batteries. I think that most things are organised now, the money is dripping out of our fingers at an alarming rate but what the heck, this is a very special occasion!
I'll leave you with this darling shot of Sully with his Mum....apparently, at just three months old, Sullivan is now moving around whilst lying on his back by pushing himself with his comes trouble!! Couldn't you just snuggle him up?

Oh and I just wanted to wish my friend Alice from Socktopus all the very best wishes as she is departing for Canada today where she is going to get married! Hope you remember to keep your knitting handy Alice!
Sounds like a fab weekend, enjoy! Good luck with the outfit shopping, hope you don't have to tackle too many changing rooms with your Mum....Sully has a fab expression, gorgeous eyes.
Have fun Mum! Love to the Irish side of the family, can't wait to see them in April :)
Sullivan is changing so much, this morning I asked him for a kiss, he opened his mouth put it near mine and the smiled when I kissed him!
Millie asked me if we are having any more babies today....
What a wonderful weekend!
Sullivan is so very beautiful! and yes, I'd love to snuggle him :^)
Enjoy your week. Sounds like a busy one with good food and company. Sullivan is darling.
Have a great time! x
Glad you are getting a little rest -- I'm sure this next month will FLY by! Little Sully is a doll!
Sweet photo of Sully. Hope you have a glorious weekend!
Have a fun week!
Oh my goodness, what a cutie! Look at those beautiful, big eyes.
Sullivan is lovely...great video on your daughter's blog too...My son, now a huge electricain-6ft2 in his socks at 19, has 2 big well, smaller than him, but older!)sisters and was walking at 8 months and terrorising them by the time he was properly stable on the legs at 9 months...hasn't really looked back either!
your little Sullivan is so nice !!! and the eyes !!!! have good time in your family and thanks for your message on my blog !!!!!
Sully is a cutie!
Did your mum find a dress?
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