Sunday, February 07, 2010

Good day, bad day.....

I managed a few rows of this yesterday, I have to do exercises which are more painful than crocheting, you know, bringing my thumb and fingers together one by one. If I keep practicing throughout the day, by the end of the day I can usually get my ring finger to touch my thumb. No way will my little finger meet up, it's my thumb joint that hurts so much and won't flex as it should. Still it is early days and I am dealing with my limitations....


I have to be creative, so I have been rediscovering some of my Photoshop graphic design stuff. I had forgotten just how much fun it can be...

I followed a tutorial with this one...will definitely be using it again...

view from Charles Bridge
Prague Castle (shudders......)
My handsome smiley husband xxxx


Thimbleanna said... poor dear! It's amazing how you're compensating with your right hand though. Good for you!!!

hakucho said...

Keep up the good work...hopefully the exercises will get easier day by day! It must be real hard not being able to do your needlework. {{{Hugs}}}

Rani said...

Keep at it! Do everything your doctor tells you to do.

LOVE the pictures.

Linda said...

It will heal, be patient. xx

Anonymous said...
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Shani said...

totally love the pictures, which tutorial did you use?

so sorry to hear about your hand... that totally sucks...


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