Barry spent ages making this was so complicated but he really seems to enjoy cooking! A sadness to me was that although it was absolbloominglutely delicious, Barry simply couldn't eat it, not only does he have a problem with veg but the chickpeas finished him off! He is magic and I am very proud of him, especially as he hasn't really done much more than a chili or a spag bol in the past. Thanks for trying it for me honey! Clever you!
I have been arty crafty for as long as I can remember but since discovering knitting blogs and ravelry I have become obsessed! My passion since last summer has been spinning, I simply cannot get enough of it. I am now dyeing my own fibre and creating the most delicious and squishy batts of fibre on my drum carder. I am enjoying using my handspun to make useful items of clothing.
I married my darling husband Barry in 2008, I cannot begin to tell you how happy we are together. He is so encouraging of my creativity.
We have our own photography business, set up last year and this year we are getting busier and busier which is great but it doesn’t half use up my crafting time!
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