You hit 50 and then you get all sorts of extra junk mail through the letterbox! Mostly selling insurance. Do they really offer a better deal than when you are below 50? I hate being 50, what I mean is that I hate having that number attached to me because inside, I think I stopped getting older at about 35, which makes me only 4 year's older than my eldest child, amazing isn't it?
I spent most of yesterday making a 2-fold A5 leaflet to promote our photography business. I finally completed it at about 11pm and then I couldn't sleep because my mind had been buzzing since early afternoon. I love doing page layout, it seems a natural progression from my photography somehow. We want to keep the business low-key for now but we do keep getting asked if we have a brochure. The business is going to go live soon enough but I thought I would share with you the leaflet I made. It's a pdf file and should print out on an A4 sheet, and then fold in half. Let me know if you can view it? Just click the picture to download the pdfyou never know, I might even publish a knitting pattern or two now I know how to make these pdf's!
UPDATE: I ordered an A2 size poster (of that wondeful artwork Laurie created for me) from Photobox about half an hour ago and have just received an email telling me that its been dispatched! Now that is quick! The posters are half price until the end of March too...bargain! I have the code if anyone needs it ;^)
Why ‘Sex and The City’ Is Worth Watching
3 days ago
I love the brochure, very nicely done!
So, are you telling us it's your birthday today?
Noooo!! My birthdayis in August...then it'll be even worse! :^)
The brochure looks very impressive! I'm dreading turning 50, to be honest, but at least you look more like 35 than 50!! 35 was my favourite age, i think :(
I'm worried about turning 30...not sure thats going to make you feel any better though!!
My parents split about 10 years ago and my Dad turned 50 a couple of years back. My Mum has always been civil and never said a bad thing about my Dad but, on his 50th birthday she took great pleasure in signing him up to receive every piece of junk mail SAGA could send certainly made us chuckle!!! :o)
Great leaflet, very well done to you!!
Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend {{{HUGS}}} xxx
The brochure looks brill. I think your photos are amazing. I use photobox a lot myself and have always been very impressed with their service. By the way, my mum turned sixty this year and has been moaning that the only junk mail she gets now is for stairlifts and mobility aids - you have been warned!
Good luck with the business launch.
Hurtling towards 37...50 still feels like a long way away although my big sister is 49 now....I like getting older although what is funny when you hit your 30's is that when you were a teen you thought 30 was so old!! The pdf looks great, hope the business goes well!
3 more years for me...
Molly & I spent quite a while perusing all of your photo albums last night. Beautiful. She was fascinated...her tastes are like yours. Her favorite is the "Wrecked" boat. I always love your people and flower shots...the ballet recital pics are great and you are beautiful! You gave Molly much to think about in terms of perspective and the non-traditional views that can be photographed. She's taking a photography class at school now - it will be interesting to see what she does now.
Again, I wish I lived near so you could take our portraits! XX
What a beautiful blog, and such amazing photographs. You and your partner are so talented.
And hey, aren't "they" saying that 50 is the new 40? (Or something like that...)So really, you're moving back in time-- :)
Turning 50 was tough, but I bought myself diamond earrings when I reached that goal. Your business venture is a beautiful equivalent of diamonds! Good luck to you.
And hey - I'm turning 52 soon. I survived.
I think I'm going to have to sit down and read your blog properly!
The brochure looks really attractive and you've an excellent eye. Is making a pdf easy? I've got some knitting patterns I've designed that I'd love to put up on line.
I'm turning five oh this November. I've been trying to plan a suitable celebration - I think it'll be a long walk with friends and maybe a ceilidh in the evening. I had a ceilidh for my 40th and it was great fun.
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