Thursday, March 08, 2007



I just went for a little walk around a bit of the village and took my camera with me. It is a delight to see all the pretty spring flowers nodding their heads. The picture above is a link to an online album of all the shots shown in the contact sheet image.
I am knitting some beaded socks, I have started them three times, twice with some beads which looked awful on the yarn and then I went to my local bead shop in the village and he found me some really gorgeous ones at a fraction of the price of the proper knitting beads. I am really enjoying following the complicated chart. Each sock needs 168 beads threading onto the yarn before you start to knit. I found threading the beads on the most tedious of tasks. The first lot of beads went well on another yarn I have bought for another project and I thought of a way to transfer the beads from the wrong yarn to the right yarn. I used two of those tiny wire bead threaders with the collapsing eye, one on each of the yarn ends, I then twisted the two wire threaders together and slid the beads from one thread to the other, now I don't have to go through the rigmarole of counting and threading the beads on the other yarn. It is sitting patiently in my stash beautifully decorated with a string of beads, waiting for me to make it into another pair of beaded socks...oh well....time to get on with some more of the chart, I do so love a challenge. Doesn't time fly when you say to yourself, 'I'll just get to the end of this row'...then, 'I'll just complete this chart'...then 'I'll just turn this heel'....oh my, what's for dinner!!!!????


Marianne said...

The photos are all lovely, sweet Springtime!
Look at you and the beaded socks! I'm happy to see a Marianne do that because I'm pretty sure this one (that be me) won't be. ;^)

Faerynuff said...

It's been lovely here too, but apparently it was raining in Omagh when Grandma rang me :)

I can't wait to see your socks - they'll be finished tomorrow I bet! Where are Barry's new socks?

These girls love their Grandma socks and Maddie only ever wants to wear them, not even her Strawberry Shortcake ones are favourites anymore!

No, I haven't found my phone yet. I heard the battery going dead but couldn't locate the beep.

CG said...

Wow, I like the idea of beaded socks!! How luxurious. Am going to find the tape measure this weekend I promise!!!

talj said...

Lovely images from your walk!! Looks like the sunshine is doing us all some good! :o) xx

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