I have been spoiled, yesterday I received a lovely belt from Erin as a prize for a comment I made on a blog post, dear Erin also put in a lovely little clutch bag as a way of saying sorry for taking so long to get the prize to me, totally unnecessary Erin but it is really gorgeous. I pulled my black belt out of my white jeans and immediately replaced it with the belt she had made for me. It's perfect! Thanks Erin! I am so proud to have something with one of her labels on!
Also in the post came a little surprise package from my friend Michaela...I gave her a copy of a CD that Barry and I love to listen to and she felt she had to repay me...no she didn't have to at all but the little knitted beaded bracelet kit is beautiful and I can't wait to make it up! The crystals and delicately coloured beads are perfect, thank you so much!
Photos to be added later......

Here's why Tal awarded me this title..... ' Marianne takes the most amazing photos! She also writes in such a lovely way, it seems even when she was poorly a while ago she managed to bring a little joy to her blog which in turn made me smile - now that's got to be a good thing? :o) Thanks for some how stumbling into my 'world' Marianne :o)' ~ What a honey! Thanks Tal! Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!
and Marianne said..... 'UK Marianne Domestic Goddess and so much more, always inspiring me' ~ wow, wonderful words from a very lovely and entertaining woman......thank you! I told her 'You should see the trail of destruction I leave in my wake as I go through the house with my creativity!' I wonder if she'd still think I was a Domestic Goddess if she could see the chaos??
I have also been tagged to do this 'I Like To Eat At....' by a new friend devliégendekoe® .....now this is a tricky tag for me to fulfil but I'll do my best. I have to list my five favourite eating spots....I've not been out to eat much the last couple of years for various reasons but here goes:-
1. I just love eating at my daughter's house, she is the most wonderful cook, well she had a good teacher didn't she? This is my favourite recipe that she has made for us clicky
2. Prezzo's in Ely....we went there recently, just because and we had a fab time, read someone else's feelings about it here
3. My Mum's.... just about the best cook ever, she taught me all I know and we still love to watch the same cookery programmes, even though she lives in NI we might phone each other to tell of the programme just starting on the TV...I know Delia sends her to sleep so nicely
4. The best fish and chip shop I've ever been to is in Anstruther. I have been there twice and both times it was so delicious! Thanks to Karen for introducing it to me...hmmmm, I'm feeling hungry!
5. Well it just has to be here! When Barry cooks me his absolutely delicious Aubergine Curry followed by Raspberry Marshmallow I am simply in heaven, not that he has made the two dishes on the same day, they are both time consuming and complicated to make....I love that man!
I'll show you the progress I am making with the spiderman blanket soon.....watch this space!
Yes, I would, Goddesses usually do leave a trail of destruction in their wake ;^)
Congratulations on your award! Have fun on Saturday; wish I could be there!!
You do rock Marianne, and we will get you spinning soon, and then I'll be jealous because you manage to keep so many balls in the air! Lookin forward to a glimpse of the spiderman blanket!
Yes, you do rock!!! And I am so glad you put the pic of Millie up again. Absolutely gorgeous.
Hope all is well with you! XOXO
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