'Barry had to visit Slough yesterday and today so I came with him as he was staying in a lovely Hotel and I felt like being spoilt a bit. Right now I am in the foyer, eating yummy roast beef and horseradish sandwiches. I have just ordered a pot of Earl Grey and I have purchased an Internet card so I can play on my lappy! All the while I am sat here, I have been knitting and reading blogs, it is quite refreshing and different. I must admit, the young lady being interviewed for a job commanding a salary of 40K plus a car was very interesting yar yar and just a glass of water thank you...how the other half live! I wonder what her profession was, gold digger maybe? lol'
I just wrote this as a comment on a blog post I was reading and thought it might make an interesting post of my own.....
We ate in Brian Turner's restaurant last night, I had 2 large lamb cutlets with chunky chips and creamed spinach on a very odd shaped plate which clattered and wobbled on the marble table every time I tried to cut into a cutlet! For my desert I had a blueberry muffin and fudge bread and butter pudding with sauce anglais (custard!) Yummy!!
On the way home we are going to pop into Ikea to get another bookshelf, if they have the one we want. We are also going to get a couple of curtain panels and two more boxes for my sorting out.
I am probably here for another hour or two, until Barry finishes work...I am in no hurry to leave, I like being waited on, perhaps I was a Princess in another life!!
Interesting, in depth news stories!
1 week ago
Oh that sounds blissful...next time can I come too??
Heh.... I'm thinking Queen... :^)
(with the best of intentions :^)
Oh I wish I was there too - I am at my desk with a lovely view of the side of a storage warehouse preparing for an evening meeting in Tottenham - some of us knit to escape you know...
sounds wonderful and I love overhearing job interviews!
I so want to be sitting next to you enjoying myself too!
Sounds fabulous, haven't been to Slough for years,I used to have a friend there but it always seemed such a dull place!
Oh, yes! Definitely a princess. I can relate. ;)
Sounds great! It's nice to get away now and then...enjoy being a princess for a little while :)
sounds like a wonderful thing to do once and a while!
What a treat!
Ooh... nice. It's cold here, a getaway sounds lovely.
And FUDGE bread and butter pudding. Oh. My. :D
Lucky you, Enjoy.
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