Last Saturday was spent in Exeter at the wonderful Knit Expo event…I had a great time there and met some lovely people like Denise, also known as KnittingPixie. I have chatted and worked with Denise for ages and it was great to meet in real life. My stand was next to Five Moons from whom I purchased enough yarn to make myself a Sprössling cardigan. The girls from Five Moons were so lovely, I had many a laugh with Evva
For the front of the cardigan, I have ordered some beautiful Czech glass buttons from Martina from Yarn to Knit. I just need to actually make a start on this cardigan now!
My new improved interchangeable needle organiser bags proved to be very popular, I sold out of all that I took with me and took orders for more. I had a good review from a customer, here’s what she had to say:-
‘I bought one of your larger folding cases at the Exeter Knit Expo and love it. My friend and I kept commenting on how beautifully made it is and I'll certainly be pointing others in your direction for cases. I am so pleased with it Thank you. I have had 3 failed purchases for cases that just weren't big enough and didn't do the job, so I really am chuffed to bits to have found one that fits the bill perfectly’
Also, my shopkeeper’s pinnies caused a lot of interest after Suzie from The Wool Sanctuary (she also knitted the words and houses on the intro to Kirsty’s homemade Home!) sported her pinny on the day, sadly I forgot to take a photo but I gather she was delighted with it. I am enjoying a bout of sewing at the moment and once these orders are completed I intend to make myself a dress or two. I have some gorgeous red/black/grey tartan material to make a pinafore and I am eager to get it cut out…arghh all those checks to match up!!
My son in law brought my three gorgeous grandchildren to Knit Expo to see me which made my day. I understand he cut it a bit fine getting back for the girl’s ballet lessons though. Maddie was wearing one of my Aspen Cardigans…she looks so elegant. Sullivan clung onto me with his head on my shoulder, I could have stayed like that all day if he wasn’t so heavy!
We drove back to Cambridgeshire after the show as Barry was blowing his trumpet in a Memorial Service on the Sunday morning. The music from the brass band was amazing and the occasion moving...
Later on the Sunday my friend Andrea arrived and she stayed until Thursday. The highlight of our week as a literary lunch with Nigella. We found her to be beautiful, informative and entertaining. A charming woman that knows her stuff in the kitchen! I managed to spill a glass of elderflower cordial all over me, my new coat and the floor of the church where the event was held. Felt extremely clumsy that day but it made us laugh!
Before Andrea left I managed to get a few shots of her wearing the Cranford Mitts which I made for her and the Lubushka’s which are mine. The pattern tells you to use separate balls of Rowan Felted Tweed, loads of different colours which would have cost a bomb, I am delighted with the Plum Duff Plushness from Skein Queen and am now knitting another pair with some more brightly coloured variegated yarn.
The handspun Woodsmoke Scarf has now been blocked and is very beautiful to look at let alone touch! I am amazed at how the colours have stayed separate as it was a 2 ply yarn. I made this scarf shorter but wider than the pattern suggests and love it more than the original.
My Barry has been so unwell, Shingles have taken their toll on him and left him with a horrid chest infection which has caused him to need an inhaler and antibiotics. I hope all the medicines he has had to take lately will make him feel better. I bought him a heated Tens Machine which was a revelation in the pain department. Let’s hope we both get some decent sleep soon, I am exhausted so can only begin to imagine how he is feeling.
Way back Barry bought us tickets to go and see Dreamboats and Petticoats in London, sadly, Barry was too poorly to attend but tired as I was, I decided it would be good for me to get out, especially as it was a coach trip so I could relax on the journey. Heather came with me and we had a lovely time. We took our time over a wonderful Italian meal and feeling stuffed we made our way to the Playhouse Theatre. Such a charming old building and not as big as I thought it would be. The show was amazing and got us up dancing at the end..
Today I have been doing some shredding, there is loads more to shred so I could be gone for some time..
Aww it was great meeting you and Barry, so neat to see some one in real life after getting to know them online.. haven't started on the fibre I bought from you.. practising on some other stuff first ;)
Not surprised your organiser bags did so well your sewing is amazing.. my favorite knitting bags are yours.
Lucky you meeting Nigella and I hope Barry feels better soon Denise x
I hope Barry is feeling better and you are getting more sleep xxx
It sounds like KnitExpo was wonderful, I wish I caould have gone. I'm in Exeter next saturday for a La Leche League workshop but plan to fit in some shopping too.
Love you lots, see you in a couple of weeks!
Love your scarf with the pretty edging :) Hope Barry is feeling better by now.
Love the scarf. .
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