Saturday, April 21, 2007

Watercolour Daisies

I received my wonderful, wonderful package from my Knitter's treat Exchange pal yesterday...I will blog it soon...yesterday was a day full of happiness!!

Whew! It's good to sit down!! My energy levels are a bit low.

I have had a bit of a play with this daisy photo I took back in March. These are the before and after shots. I applied a watercolour effect to it in Photoshop and then I added a texture to the background, I think I like the watercolour version the best and will be making a card out of this one.

I am starting to feel so much better now, my head still aches but not all the time. Seems the antibiotics are working.

Barry and I got up early (we don't do mornings on the whole especially on a Saturday) and went into Cambridge to do some shopping, I got some lovely bits and pieces for my Knitters Treat Exchange Pal, I must now get on and post it!! We then made a stop at St Ives to visit the Normandy Market they had going on there, even I could smell the garlic! Barry bought himself two bottles of Normandy Cider, he's happy.....I'm pooped! You should see what he's doing in the kitchen now, I am taking photos so you've been warned!

I want to tell you so much, all at once.....hold on to your hats!!


talj said...

Very intriguing! Love what you have done to the daisy photo and glad you had a nice day! Hope you are feeling much better soon {{HUGS}} xx

CG said...

Sounds like a great day...can't wait to hear the rest!!

PLEASE (grovel grovel) any chance of Barry's aubergine curry recipe?

your photo is so pretty!!

Marianne said...

Ooohh, I do like that watercolour effect on the photo..beautiful!
I am so glad to hear you're feeling better!...not all the way clear of the beasties but it sounds like you're very well on your way to that point. YAY.
Alright...I'm holding onto my hat.......

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