....corset does!!

I am delighted with this top, the fit is amazing and makes me feel all girly and curvy....

I love the colours, I seem to have a lot of these pink tones in my wardrobe, I must find another colour theme to work with!

for some reason I turned my camera upside down for these shots, why I didn't think to turn it up the other way I do not know!

an upside down boob shot...see how nicely it fits? All the buttons look so pretty but because they were small the buttonholes were too big. If I make this again, I would leave out the buttonholes although they were useful as markers as any Elizabeth Zimmerman fan of the BSJ would understand. I sewed the fronts together too, this thing was far too slippery to stay neatly closed just with the buttons. I love it, I love both yarns used. This is definitely a hit!

I have also started crocheting
this jacket using some ends of cones of cashmere and silk from Colourmart. This will be in ice cream shades. I have learnt a new stitch too, linked treble (double) crochet and although it is a bit slower than regular treble crochet, the close fabric is worth the effort.

Oh and I have made some progress with this Lily the Pink cardigan, I am knitting the back and fronts all in one to save time and to eliminate the side seams and ends. In fact I have already woven in my ends as I go, I hate ends! I bought the yarn for this cardigan at the Knit and Stitch show at Ally Pally last year. I have decided that it is not safe for me to go to these shows!

Here is the progress on the
Rivendell SockA lovely pattern, very interesting to knit and the fabric is firm but springy! I am using some yarn from Amanda's Sock Club at
The Natural Dye Studio. It's called
Chi, which has a percentage of bamboo in it.

When will I get to finish all these yummy things? I have to go now and do some work although what I really want to do is sew
this bag, after all, a girl needs something to keep her knitting projects hidden in doesn't she??!!
Love your upside down corset :P It's gorgeous! I have that pattern stashed away on my shelf, really want to buy some yarn for it now after seeing how fantastic yours looks!
Lovely, it fits perfectly!
Thats so pretty and it fits perfectly!
Oh my that is gorgeous on you!!!! Just stunning :)
I'm knitting the rivendell sock too! snap :)
Yes I quite agree, your boobs look very good in this excellent piece of knitting.
Yes, your corset does fit very well :)
Looks like you have LOTS of wonderful projects in the works...very pretty!
It looks lovely M, and look at all those wips, how exciting and challenging to have so much on the go!
OhMyGosh Marianne -- What's up with bloglines! Today, it suddenly throws your last 5 posts at me -- I'm SO mad! I'd been wondering where you'd been -- I just figured you were REALLY tired from shooting that wedding.
You've been SO busy!!! I love all the knits. Love the corset -- SOOOO pretty and fun to see the differences in color with the changes in light. And holy cow -- is that Imogen a beautiful baby or what???
Oh dear, Muk, bloglines just alerted me to your blog... with several posts. There's been a few blogs in the same boat. so sorry. and I see my bloglines isn't the only one... rats.
You look quite the fetching lady in the corset, beautifully knit, as well as the Cala Lily bag.. and of course I love the Rivendell socks!
That top is beautiful, I love the colours and it looks great on you. I can't even keep up with all the projects you get through let alone imagine knitting that many things, you are so fast and clever. I keep seeing your projects popping up on the groups in Ravelry and thinking not another one!!!!LOL.
Love that top - rather saucy and Fanny Hill-ish! Delicious colours and your other knitting work is sumptuous too.
Thanks for the lovely message on my blog - so fab to have new visitors! Putting you in my favourites now...
My Goodness, you certainlly have been busy! I love the corsett; stunning! I especially like the upside down boob shot ;-)
That's really a nice looking crochet sweater; I may have to go look a little closer at that pattern.
Pretty perfect Marianne! It looks really great!
marianne I love your new corset ... colors are great !!!! and the new one on crochet is nice also ... thanks for your comment yeeesss I am a great Mummy !!!!
Wow! That is beautiful....and a gorgeous fit! Great Work!!
Hi Marianne, thanks for leaving a comment at my blog, it's always nice to find new blogs, I've never seen yours before - and it's lovely. Will definitely add you to my bloglines so I can visit often.
SO you're in Cambs? I used to live in Bury St Edmunds before coming to the states and worked at the DSS in Cambridge :)
That corset is seriously great. The colors are so pretty and the fit is amazing...great work. I need to get knitting...I have been procrastinating a bit.
Fabulous! You look fantastic in it too.
I love this - shapely, feminine and sexy! Great job.
OMGosh! All of a sudden you have 6 posts popping up on bloglines. Let's catch up...
Looks like you're having fun - yummy crabs and wonderful friends.
Looks like you're having beautiful projects fly off the needles! Love your latest girliness - cute colors together!
That's gorgeous - the colours - the fit - everything!
In fact I love the colours of all of the yarns you've got in this post. Sigh.....
Oh wow!
That is so beautiful! I love it :)
Looking forward to next weekend xxx
The corset is gorgeous! And the crocheted ice cream looks llovely too. Very intricate socks!
ooh glad you found my blog and left a comment it's nice to know who reads them.... as for a spinner, I would say novice about 10 months so not a beginner but definitely not a fully fledged spinner....
I love your corset and IMHO pink always looks best with lime green....
Your corset is stunning! Very chic ;)
Thank you for commenting on my blog!
Hello again! Just wanted to say that one skein of Smooshy was all I needed for the Clementine Shawlette. I didn't have much left over, but I don't remember any panic either!
Stunning! Just love all the colors you have selected for everything.
that is absolutely stunning! i (who normally shuns that type of garment) am absolutely yearning to make one!
"Corset does"! Hee :) It looks great! Can't wait to see everything else finished, too.
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